PlantSight Enterprise Help

Setting Column Names as Property Names

In order to set column names as property names, add the following properties to the json configuration file:
  • classKey – Used to identify the column where the class information is being read from
  • columnHeaderIsPropertyName – Used to match the EC class property name with the column name.
Note: You may only import classes from the ProcessFunctional schema.


The following conditions are prerequisites in order to set column names as property names:
  • The Excel file contains a Class column with the EC class names from the iModel schema. The values in the Class column must correspond to the class names given in the EC schema.

  • The Excel file contains column headers with EC class property names. The column names must correspond to the property names of the EC classes given in the EC schema.


UserLabel Description Alias Class DRY_WEIGHT FLOW_RATE
P1.M1.T1-V109 2-way shut-off valve V109 MULTI_WAY_VALVE 42 7
P20.H1.T3-V101 Gate valves V101 GATE_VALVE 30 4
P20.H1.T3-P001 Pump P001 VERTICAL_PUMP 19 50

Configured Mapping.json File

  "id": 1,
  "name": "mapping 1",
  "importType": "smartExcel",

  "classKey": "Class",
  "columnHeaderIsPropertyName": true,